An Ordinary Night

An Ordinary Night

Debbie Zepick

An ordinary night, was it cool and dark

Did the wind blow lonely through this weathered ark

Did the cattle rustle and the sheep uncurl

Did the owl fly silent, with its wings a whirl

An ordinary lot, were they rough, were they lean?

Keeping watch, taking rest where they’d always been

Did they sense a change, in the atmosphere

In the scent or sound before they fell in fear


As the Father clapped, he cheered and sighed

The baby stirred but he never cried

While the angels danced through the galaxies

And a comet hovered, peaked and squeezed

through the cracks in the roof of a little barn

While the world slept tight and the blue ball spun

around the sun

A ordinary town slept unaware

That the Savior of the world was there

A King who’d come and give it fame

 Generations sing “O Bethlehem”


Demons shrieked as their captain fell

With a mortal wound on his way to hell

Demons shrieked as their captain fell

While the unseen world sang all is well, 


Chorus (Instrumental) 

An ordinary night in history

That God would bring this mystery

To give his Son for all our sin

Break down the walls and bring us in


Dan Zepick